Vice Chancellor,SVSU
I am delighted to introduce our special Innovative SVSU Sr. Secondary Skill School (Feeder School) affiliated with CBSE. It is first such School in India aligned with the NEP-2020 and NSQF to promote Skill based education from IX standard.
This is the only School and first School in India that is a vocationally integrated. Skill and general education integrated right at class 9th. This School provides flexibility to children right at the class 9th to choose what his/ her own choices. Students have a choice to go for variety of vocational subjects.
In this School the students will be introduced to the world of current and emerging vocations at an early stage of their development. This model of integrated education will provide them with opportunities to pursue higher vocational education as well or enter into the employment market as a skilled resource, in various job roles of their interest.
I ask all of you to come and visit the SVSU Innovative Skills School.
Thank You!